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Karina Serio wins MDDC’s 2023 Michael S. Powell High School Journalist of the Year.

MDDC Staff

July 6, 2023

This young photojournalist has gotten a head start, having shot for professional organizations while in high school.  Tome School student, Karina Serio, has been named the 2023 Michael S. Powell High School Journalist of the Year. 

After reviewing applications for this prestigious $1,500 cash award, it was determined that Serio’s 4-year high school career in Photojournalism with Cecil County Sports Weekly, and Eclipse Sportswire stood out as worthy of the award.

Students were asked to submit an autobiographical statement about journalism, a letter of recommendation from their journalism teacher or advisor as well as five published articles demonstrating their versatility and skill. 

Serio is already showing signs of becoming a leader in her field. Serio’s publisher at the Cecil County Sports Weekly noted “I consider her our best Reporter and Photographer.  She can cover games entirely by herself while other staff members are either good at photography or writing but can’t do both to the level Karina is doing it.”

Serio plans to major in Russian Studies and intends on using her photojournalism experience as an integral part of her overall International Studies experience.

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