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Do you have an eight-inch frying pan?

There’s a story about an old man who was fishing from a pier. He was catching more fish than anyone else, so a crowd gathered to learn his secret. His

Lessons from a failed advertiser

By John FoustRaleigh, NC I remember talking to Clark about his early days in advertising. When he started his then-small marketing business, one of his first clients was a fast-food

Special projects energize staff, community

By Jim Pumarlo I fondly characterize newsrooms as organized chaos. That definition has aptly described operations for the past 18 months with the impact of COVID-19. The story has demanded

A simple way to develop ad campaign ideas

By John FoustRaleigh, NC Let’s say you’re meeting with a florist who has been running ads with the headline, “For all your floral needs.” Of course, you and I know

Sharpen your editing with these press releases

By Jim Pumarlo The hyper partisanship in today’s political landscape was on full display with passage of the American Rescue Plan. It passed on a straight party-line vote. A Minnesota

Reasons to Bet on Print

Tangible evidence leads Kevins Slimp to feel good about the future By Kevin Before you begin reading this column, please answer this question: “Are you sitting down?” If not,

John Oliver segment is a reminder of failings within journalism

CONTACT:Matthew T. Hall, SPJ National President, 619-987-7786, mhall@spj.orgJennifer Royer, SPJ Director of Communications and Marketing, 317-361-4134, INDIANAPOLIS — After John Oliver skewered the recent actions of some local media outlets to pass off

Making Plans for the Next Ten Years

Newspapers remain a vital component of a healthy community By Kevin Slimp In my previous column, I mentioned that there seem to be a lot of positive feelings in the

May Is A Good Month For Relevance

The Relevance Project We begin with breaking news: The Relevance Project has started a SUPPORT LOCAL JOURNALISM section. Check out the work-in-progress. This expansion will allow the REVENUE RESOURCE 2021 to